Tuesday, December 19, 2006

New York - May 2006

A picture taken by Nick Goodacre in May 2006 New York's 6th Avenue.
(picture reproduced with the permission of Nick Goodacre,
copyright N.L.Goodacre)

Module 2 - further thoughts

After some hesitation am now able to crack on with Module 2. Developing a website has been a different experience:


Still very much in its prototype / infancy days - forgive an old dinosaur but we do move slowly.

Interesting to compare websites - some are very professional; many look professional but lack focus; and some (like mine) are quite amateurish. Hopefully by the end of these three years there will be a website to rival every other!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Further thoughts

Some very well made and welcome points from Jen relating to my previous post. Have now participated in a chat on FC - well moderated and organised. Again the dynamics are still somewhat strange but I expect I will overcome this.

Received my results for the first module and am very happy with the score and comments. To be fair the module was very much in my comfort zone - not certain about module 2 but am battling away.

Have learnt to use tools such as 'Paint' and 'Screen Capture' - both will be really useful with reference to work applications.

Not certain at this stage about analysing other researchers' web-sites / blogs - let's see what happens!

Friday, December 01, 2006

On-line tools

Module 2 has asked us to list on-line tools we use (both UV and other).

Plone - obviously need to source a variety of information through this. Message posting is relatively easy but I have only posted 3 in total so far. Can be a bit confusing though as they seem to link to threads rather than chronological therefore can be shifting around the screen a lot. There are no flags to show new postings.

First-class - read it most days and have posted a few messages. However, not certain about the way FC is used. Perhaps it is my suspicion of e-mail. A lot of 'chat' seems to get in the way of the 'proper' information. Did feel at one stage it was becoming an 'us-and-them' format. Despite there being 88 in Cohort 6 it appears only about 30% are posting anything on FC - why is this? The same names appear - no problems with that but must remember FC is e-mail not a chat-room. Understand they are trying to establish some sort of chat connection but at present I would have to wait to be 'invited' to join a chat using FC.

Blogspot - first time ever I have developed a blog - quite interesting (the process, not the blog!!). Can see an application with my wine education work so am determined to develop a separate wine blog.

Module 1

Thank heaven Module 1 is complete. Sneaked a look at some other submissions - very impressive. Somewhat taken aback by their level of computing expertise. Makes mine look very turgid (even though I managed to download a few digital photos).

Not certain how much emphasis will be placed on presentation over content.

Now an anxious wait for the results.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

What have I learnt so far?

A fairly lengthy post but this summarises my handwritten learning journal for the first module.

29 Sept - concerned about Plone fortunately Anthony (my LF) steers me in the right direction regarding presentation. Have learnt to ask plenty of questions

04 October - pulled together LA1 - A day in my working life. Kept a work diary for 3 days and was hoping to have shown all 3 but this proved to be too big a task. Therefore literally drew one date out of the hat! Have learnt I should keep a work diary more often - this proved quite illuminating because of making me reflect on each activity I undertook. Have determined to try and repeat the exercise 4 or 5 times a year. Have noted the tendency to waffle (why use 1 word when you can use 10!). A colleague was puzzled when he saw me taking a photograph of my office - explained why. He now thinks I am doing an OU Degree!!!

08 October - getting access to the PC at home is proving to be a headache. Not only is 1 son wanting to do his homework on it but the other seems to be constantly 'talking' to his former Uni friends. Have agreed a protocol - let's see if it works.

09 October - tried to invoke protocol to be met by some hostility by elder son. However, eventually he relented after I threatened to pull the plug - literally. Now reflecting on the organisation and where I sit in it. Again an interesting exercise. Quite pleased because I have now uploaded photographs from the digi-camera - didn't realise how easy it was.

12 October - was able to use the work I had prepared on the organisation to some effect in a regular budgetary review meeting at work. As ever we were being challenged on central office costs - I referred to a project I had undertaken to, hopefully, prove the point we were a lean and efficient administration.

18 October - sent my first general response on First Class. Had previously limited FC communication to my LF, the Technical Team and Tony Browne. However, I felt a great empathy with the post "Schoolies Free Zone". Not certain if my level of humour would be appreciated by everyone but was glad I broke through my natural shyness (how can you be shy when using e-mail but I am!).

21 October - beginning to panic somewhat - am on holiday next week and still not finished my skills evaluation. Am learning to try and work in a structured manner. The skills question is fascinating. Have also done 1 other technological thing I have never done before - scanned a document! Elder son cannot believe how such a simple thing (to him) can be such an achievement to me. I've threatened I'll be able to programme the video recorder at this rate.

22 October - probably spent too much time at the keyboard yesterday. Need to follow the guidelines we have at work re taking breaks but am happy with the skills evaluation. Now to start thinking of personal development.

22 October - contributed to another discussion on FC re MindMaps. Have learnt the basics of MindMaps determined to try and follow this through. There are a number of different areas of my life (not only the day job) where the MindMap approach may be useful. I read FC pretty regularly - at least every day if not more than that. Notice the same names keep cropping up. I know we are encouraged to help one another but at present I don't feel I have the knowledge to expound on everything.

29 October - back from hols - well away from Plone, FC, UV and everything else and quite relaxed. Personal development has proved an interesting exercise. At work personal development is normally a paragraph at the end of the Annual Perfomance Review. When I have looked into this further there are several suggestions for personal development plans and I have selected one with which I am comfortable. Have therefore learnt about PDPs and am determined to have this in place for my own review which will take place in the next 6 or so weeks.

06 November - more FC contributions - this time is response to a researcher who teaches Pilates, yoga and dance to adults. As I tutor adults (wine appreciation) I was interested to read the skills this researcher felt were key. No disagreement - have learnt that I'm not as way off the mark as I originally thought.

08 November - heard myself in a meeting state - "we need to reflect on this carefully" - is UV getting to me or have I started to learn about formal reflection. For the benefit of doubt it is the latter.

Monday, September 11, 2006


Now I've got over the excitement of creating my own blog a little bit about myself:

I live and work in the historic city of York, am married to Clare and have 3 children (Oli - recently graduated in Auto Engineering from Loughborough, Lucy - very soon to be off to Sheffield Hallam to study Nursing, and Nick - in his second year in sixth form and with no idea what he wants to do!).

My day job is with the University of York as an administrator. I also teach lifelong learning courses - mainly to do with Wine Appreciation, but also Food Hygiene and occasionally licensing legislation. In addition I spend quite a proportion of my 'spare time' training members of the hotel and catering trade in all aspects relating to wines & spirits.

The involvement with Lifelong Learning has been going on for nearly 20 years and I have developed a keen interest in the education of adults (especially non-vocational education).

This is an area of my life I want to take further forward and am hoping that the Ultraversity course will help in some way towards this.

First Post

Hopefully this will be the First and not the Last Post.

Simply to say hi to everybody signed up on Cohort 6 with Ultraversity.

If you can read this then a technological miracle has occured and I have managed to 'create' my blog (with a great deal of help from my friends!!)